I am probably the world's worst blogger, since I have not added anything since November. That will all change when I have Internet in my home. Which needs to happen in the next week, since we are hopefully getting a computer for the house.
This past Wednesday our youth praise band, The Fire at 4th and State put on a Christmas cantata. It was Todd Agnew's "Do You Hear What I Hear?" It has 11 songs written from the different points of view of those associated with the Nativity. It was a very meaningful night for all who attended. I know for certain that I didn't have a dry eye most of the night. There are probably apologies owed to those around me who had to listen to me singing along with the tunes. The music of Christmas is powerful. To think that our God sent his one and only Son to earth to live and die for us is incredible. As I work on sermons for this weekend and Christmas Eve, I am constantly reminded about the real meaning of the season. Please join us here at Grace Church this weekend and on Christmas Eve at 4:30 as we explore salvation through Christ! That is the best gift of all.