Yesterday was quite a day around my home. First, I had the honor and pleasure of preaching at both Sunday services. I taught on John 20:19-31, the famous portion of scripture that tells us about Thomas's honest doubt. I have come to the conclusion that we all doubt, and have probably all doubted our faith at some time. Thomas teaches us that we can face those doubts and come out with a stronger more meaningful faith. It was a pleasure to study this scripture and put together a sermon based on what I learned from it.
Later that evening I had the opportunity to go and see Denver and the Mile High Orchestra. (check out the video on the front page) They are a modern day big band. The members are believers in Christ and the message intertwined throughout the concert was outstanding. Denver stressed that God has a plan for all of us, and we need to use the special gifts that we have to serve God. This is a great reminder to all of you students out there. You can't be someone that God hasn't made you, you can only be what God wants you to be. Whatever he has planned for you is amazing and more wondeful than you could ever imagine.